
Lead transformative change more effectively in your business. One-on-one coaching sessions provide a personalized approach to connecting your vision to the people and processes needed to make it happen.


Training that teaches three key elements to achieving better outcomes in the work you do. Set better goals.  Evaluate your ability to achieve them. Increase communication and accountability.  

Strategic Planning

Increase speed to goal. Reduce barriers. Save time and money. VPI’s strategic planning model facilitates the ideation process, helps identify aligned goals, assesses your capacity to achieve them, and defines a clear plan of action. 

Make good ideas stick

Some figures show that up to 70% of new ideas (change initiatives) fail to achieve their desired outcomes. You probably know that sales and marketing have best practices and models that can improve results for a company, right? Well, models and best practices exist for how you go about implementing new ideas in your company too.

In fact, companies that implement formalized change management practices have been shown to be six times more likely to achieve desired outcomes than companies that don’t. Most business leaders don’t know this. 

VPI Change Management Process

VPI teaches how to hone and implement new ideas for your company in a way that aligns people, process, and strategy to maximize chances for success.  


An in-depth look at your company’s ability to achieve the goals you’ve set

Including this step in your planning helps:

1) Increase success rates for achieving goals
2) Save time and money by identifying and addressing barriers before they become an issue
3) Hit goals faster

Think of it this way, how much would you trust a pilot who didn’t follow a pre-flight check procedure before they took off with you and your family aboard? If you are like most of us, this sounds a little unnerving. It’s important that all the systems and staff on that plane are functioning properly so it can land at its final destination safely and successfully.

Now translate this concept to launching a new plan in your company. The graphic above highlights where this step falls in VPI’s planning process. The pre-flight check evaluates six key variables that can dramatically impact the success rate of any new idea your company is about to launch. Items uncovered during this assessment often need to be addressed before other direct work on your new goal can take off. 

Without this assessment, you are going up in a plane that might fall short of its final destination. Planes and fall are two words that don’t go well together! Read more here.